quantum optics 2  

Lecture: 1) Introduction: Single photon physics. 2) Quantum information encoding in a single photon polarization state. 3) Quantum communication protocols exploiting polarization states. Practical implementation: quantum key distribution. 4) Single photon spatial mode and the methods of quantum states encoding. 5) Multilevel quantum states -- generation and detection. Majorana representation. 6) Practical implementations of quantum information processing based on spatial mode encoding. 7) Parametric down conversion process -- quantum description and experimental methods. 8) Single photon detection 9) Phase space and Wigner function Tutorials – calculations on selected problems, such as: 1) simple examples on “quantum world” sizes, 2) Bell states, Pauli matrices, transformations on Bloch sphere, 3) coding information in single-photons' polarization states, 4) quantum key distribution schemes, practical implementations, 5) Helmholtz equation, gaussian beam, propagation in fibers, 6) Jones matrices, optical networks, 7) single photon spatial mode encoding, 8) higher-dimensional entangled states generation methods, 9) nonlinear processes, parametric down conversion, phase matching conditions, 10) “cat” states and Wigner function
quantum optics 2

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